• 3 days
  • 1 recommended camping spot
  • 2 suggested stops
  • Activity options


Sumérgete en una emocionante ruta de camper y déjate llevar por la belleza y los encantos de Montecristi y sus alrededores. En esta travesía, tendrás la oportunidad de explorar, descubrir y maravillarte con todo lo que esta región tiene para ofrecer. Desde acampar en la pintoresca Playita hasta deleitarte con la deliciosa comida en Cocomar en Monte Cristi y Arena Blanca Plaza, cada momento será un viaje hacia la magia y el ensueño. Prepárate para sumergirte en la historia y la cultura al visitar el Parque del Reloj, recorrer el encantador Malecón de Montecristi, adentrarte en el Sendero de Las Cruces y perderse en la asombrosa Playa El Morro. Además, podrás disfrutar de actividades extra que te llevarán a lugares sorprendentes como la Isla Cabra, el Cayo Siete Hermanos y la Plataforma Ecoturística. ¡Embárcate en esta experiencia única y descubre la magia de Montecristi y su entorno en esta inolvidable ruta de camper!

Day 1
7:00 am – Departure
8:30 am – Miguelina (Bonao)
10:00 am – Salto de Jima (Bonao)
1:00 pm – El Reloj and Salinas de Montecristi
1:00 pm – Cocomar (Monte Cristi)
3:00 pm – Malecón de Montecristi
5:00 pm – La Playita

Day 2
10:00 am – Ecotourism Platform and Cabra Island*
1:00 pm – Monkrais Restaurant
4:00 pm – La Playita

Day 3
7:00 am – Paddle*
10:00 am – El Morro and Coastal Trail of Las Cruces
1:00 pm – Santo Domingo

Just on the outskirts of the bustling destinations but only a ten-minute walk from the heart of the charming village of Las Galeras lies La Playita. This beautiful half-moon-shaped white-sand beach beckons you to wade into its shallow waters and walk several meters out to sea. While some parts of the beach feature seagrass, its tranquil and serene surroundings, along with a casual beachside restaurant, crystal-clear blue waters, and distant views of Playa Rincón, quickly make it a favorite for those who visit. Additionally, beach chairs and kayaks are available for rent, providing you the opportunity to explore its surroundings. To reach La Playita, you can follow a private wooden path from the village or access it by motorcycle via a road off the main highway of Las Galeras.

Cocomar in Monte Cristi is a magical place where culinary excellence and the beauty of the surroundings merge to create an unforgettable experience. This charming gastronomic destination invites you to delight in a variety of authentic flavors and traditional dishes that will transport you deep into Dominican cuisine. With its cozy ambiance and breathtaking ocean views, Cocomar provides the perfect setting to enjoy a delicious meal while marveling at the sea breeze and the coastal landscape.

On the other hand, Arena Blanca Plaza is a vibrant and energetic place where you’ll find a wide variety of options to satisfy your cravings and tantalize your taste buds. From fast-food restaurants to gourmet dining establishments, here you’ll discover an extensive selection of flavors and culinary styles to suit every palate. Moreover, the plaza boasts a lively and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for sharing pleasant moments with friends and family while relishing delicious cuisine.

Both Cocomar in Monte Cristi and Arena Blanca Plaza are must-visit stops for food enthusiasts and those eager to explore the flavors of the region. Whether you’re seeking to savor authentic local dishes or try innovative culinary creations, these places will provide you with an unparalleled culinary experience. Get ready to delight in exquisite flavors, discover new ingredients, and immerse yourself in Dominican hospitality while enjoying its culinary magic.

The Clock Tower Park is an emblematic place that will transport you through time as you immerse yourself in Montecristi’s rich history and culture. This beautiful park features an iconic clock that has become a symbol of the city. Here, you can enjoy a peaceful environment surrounded by green areas, where you can relax and contemplate the architecture and historical details that surround you.

The Malecón de Montecristi is a stunning place where the sea and the horizon merge into a captivating panoramic view. With its spacious promenades and refreshing sea breeze, this malecón invites you to take a leisurely stroll while enjoying unparalleled vistas. Additionally, you can admire sculptures and monuments that highlight the rich history and culture of the region, creating a charming and enriching atmosphere.

The Las Cruces Trail is a unique experience for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. This trail will take you through lush landscapes, where you can admire the beauty of the local flora and fauna. With each step you take, you’ll find yourself surrounded by abundant biodiversity and breathtaking panoramic views. Get ready to immerse yourself in the pristine nature of Montecristi and connect with its purest essence.

Playa El Morro will surprise you with its natural charm and incomparable beauty. Its golden sands and crystal-clear waters invite you to enjoy a day of relaxation and fun under the sun. Whether you want to swim in its tranquil waters, sunbathe on the beach, or simply gaze at the horizon, this beach will provide an unforgettable experience filled with peace and serenity.

In addition to these fascinating stops, there are extra activities that will make your visit to Montecristi even more exciting. Explore the magical Cabra Island, a paradisiacal retreat where you can enjoy crystal-clear waters and stunning landscapes. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Seven Brothers Cay, a group of pristine islands with white sandy beaches and turquoise waters that will leave you breathless. And don’t forget to visit the Ecotourism Platform, a space dedicated to the conservation and preservation of nature, where you can learn about the importance of protecting our environment and enjoy outdoor activities.

In Montecristi and its surroundings, each stop and extra activity will provide you with a unique experience and allow you to explore the natural, cultural, and historical richness of the region. Get ready to immerse yourself in exciting adventures, marvel at stunning landscapes, and connect with the essence of this magical destination.